Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday Foursome


1. So thats what it is like to work...  What a busy, busy week it has been!  The weather has actually been decent so it has meant some actual on court time for me.  It is going to take me a few weeks to adjust back into working life.  Standing and teaching makes me tired.  And I think I figured out my hip problem, partially the way I hold baby girl and partially the way I stand when I am feeding tennis balls.  Work causing injury?  Oh, well!  Guess I won't work then!  ;-)

2. Allergies Anyone??  I have gotten a few days of Jillian in and 2 days of running.  About 9 miles total.  My workouts have been leaving me wiped out because of my seasonal allergies.  Not a fun time around here.  I have been waking up with crud in my eyes and a sense of exhaustion. But I want to get a run in tonight and hopefully a 12 miler in tomorrow...

3.  OUT??  OUT??  Since the weather broke, those are the only 2 words I hear from baby girl.  There was a lot of this happening this week:

climbing at the park, trying to get to the big slide!

running away from mama!
i am not taking off these sunglasses!

i love spring!
We are enjoying the nice weather and hoping that it stays this way!

4.  Let's all just RELAX...  Looking forward to a slow weekend with newbie and baby girl.  We have been going non stop since Saturday and our lawn work.  His softball began, my work began, nice weather makes us play harder and now we just need a little RELAXing time.  Saturday will be spent hanging out at the house and I think just all around being lazy, other than my long run.  We are in desperate need of a good family day.  I hope it happens this weekend!

What are your plans this weekend?  Anything exciting?  Anyone racing this weekend?

Are you suffering from allergies too?  Got any ideas on what I can try?  I am a Claritin- D Non Drowsy girl but it is just not helping this year... 


  1. Love the pics. I'm with you on the RELAXing day. We do have to run to town to get some new patio furniture. We poured a patio off the back of the house so we want to spruce it up! :) That's going to be about all my excitement this weekend. Planning on getting a 6miler in tomorrow, maybe further depends on the weather and the wind.

  2. Claritin D and Flonase dave me! But yay to Spring temps!

    Your daughter is absolutely gorgeous, cute, adorable!!!
