Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Try a Tri- Tuesday

In June of 2008, I ran a marathon.  I ran the Sunburst Marathon through my hometown of South Bend, IN, and finished on the 50 yard line of the Notre Dame Fighting Irish Football Stadium.  It was awesome!

While I was running it, I met a guy who was running the marathon because he was training for an Ironman Distance Triathlon.  He was telling me all about it and his training and I was just in awe.  After I finished the marathon (in 3:53) and I regained mental and physical capabilities, I told newbie to under NO circumstances ever let me say I was going to try a triathlon.  Well, luckily newbie did not remember this and he is traveling today so he probably will not read this post! 

Yesterday, I started to find my next challenge.  Here is what I know about me: 16 weeks is way too long for me to train for something.  I quickly lose interest.  This has been my struggle with the Indy Mini that I am running next month and my fall marathon last year.  I need something between my half marathon and my fall full marathon.  So I thought Duathlon.  I am not a swimmer- at all.  It scares me!  But then I started to think about it and talk to a few people.  My sister Melissa (the one who wants to sign me up for worst chef in America! ;-) ) has done a TRI.  She convinced me that I could do it.  

1.  Have not swam in a VERY long time!
2.  Have not biked in a VERY long time!
3.  Scared of all of those people in the water at one time!
4.  Ironman distance= WAY TOO LONG!


I am just gonna go for it!  I am going to do a Sprint Triathlon the weekend before my 30th birthday and then follow it up in either October with the Columbus Marathon or November with the NYC Marathon.  (NYC will be determined by whether or not I get in and how badly I feel baby girl NEEDS to go to Disney World.)

So now a few questions for all of you out there:

Who is going to do it with me?  
Aug 7 Alum Creek
.45 mile swim, 12 mile bike, 3.1 run
Sally, I am calling your name!!!!  :)  
You can easily do this and still train for Chicago! 

Best TRI suit?

Any tips for a TRI newbie?? 


  1. Where is this Alum Creek?? Do you have one of those bikes? I have thought about doing something like this but don't have an expensive bike.....just a mountain bike!

  2. I dont have advice on Tri's but I have a lot of friends that have benefited in their marathon times from the cross training. Way to go after your goals. You will do great!

    Gotta Run,
