Thursday, October 27, 2011

3 Things Thursday


This is how baby girl greets the world each morning.  It always makes me smile!

1.  Newbie is lucky I love fall here in Ohio.  It has been gorgeous here.  I am dying to get out to the state park and go for a fall hike.  Hopefully, I can talk newbie into it soon.  If we would have moved here in the midst of the snowy winter, I think know I would have cried every day.  I HATE snow.

2.  2 is for 2 runs!  As in I ran 2 days in a row!  It is a miracle!  I am starting Jillian's 30 day Shred today.  I love Jillian and need a little booty kick from her right now.  I may just be an athlete again someday!

3.  Next week baby girl turns 2.  2!  Where did the time go????

baby girl's first christmas, 2 months old


  1. Let me know how you like the Shred! I was thinking about trying it. I love Jillian too!

    Have a great week - your baby is adorable! :)

  2. HAve fun with shred! Maybe I'll start tomorrow too! Need a good booty kicking myself!
