Thursday, March 10, 2011

TEN things Thursday

In honor of the 10 miles I ran today, this is the suped- up, hard core three things thursday edition!  :-)

1.  Last night I made BBQ Chicken pizza.  Recipe at Pioneer Woman, who is one of the funniest people on the internet!  And her pictures are amazing!  I have been sucking big time struggling with making homemade pizza dough and I finally met some success with this one. 

yummy bbq chicken pizza!
2.  I have been struggling as of late and last night I decided to just stop.  I am an adult and can handle anything that comes my way so suck up the crappy weather and move on!  (BTW. 2 inches of snow here. tonight.)

3.  Maybe because of this realization, I had a major MAMA moment of bliss last night  at 4 am this morning.  Baby girl is in the midst of a growth spurt, how else can I define wanting 8 oz of milk in the middle of the night for the last 3 nights!, and would not go back to bed.  So I brought her into our bed (ah! gasp!).  At about 4 am with her tucked into my arm and her little hand on my face, I had this moment of pure contentment.  Ahhhh...  I love being a MAMA.

delirious with exhaustion
4.  This is me after my 10 mile run today.  I feel HARDCORE!  It was raining HARD for about 4 miles and I sucked it up and carried on!  I AM A TRUE RUNNER!

5.  I feel like RED is a speedy color so here are my stats:

10 miles
  8:41 overall pace

6.  I am sticking with the speedy RED color because my last mile was a 7:59!  My first official mile under 8 minutes.  EVER!  And yes I said LAST MILE of a 10 miler.  Woohoo!

7.  Grey is my uh oh color.  I am having inside right hip problems.  Not when running.  After.  I am noticing when I lay down that my right hip is actually higher than the left.  Luckily, I know I can gut out 13 miles even injured...  Any stretching recommendations?

8.  The reason that hip hurts?  Baby Girl.  It is the hip that I hold her on.  I am trying to make a conscious effort to switch to the left.  RANDOM!

9.  My sister and I need to order our SPARKLE SKIRTS for the Indy Mini.  I want purple.  Newbie thinks I should get green...  hmmm.... what do you think?

10.  57 days until the Indy Half Marathon (aka Newbie's half marathon debut!)



  1. I checked out the Sparkle Skirt....To cute! I may have to do that for my 1st 10miler coming up in a few weeks! Congrats on your run today!!

  2. I don't know...that purple is pretty cool!

    Congrats on the awesome 10 mile run...and that under 8 min mile!!!!!!!!!!
